Sunday, June 13, 2010

Did George Crum Have An Education


Scottish band, led by singer John Foxx .... According To the Essential Guide to Punk and New Wave : "one of the bands reponsables of the synthesizer in the British pop of last seventies and eighty first. Formed in 1975 and the Movement Influenced by punk, Ultravox left to WAS The Possibilities of appeals for the electronics and the synthesized sounds ".... The Voice techno-pop difficult to find, of the album "Rage In Eden ".... New Wave .... -----------------------------------

Scottish Banda led by singer John Foxx Vienna famous for its success .... According to the Essential Guide Punk and New Wave : "Is one of the bands reponsables the synthesizer in the British pop of the late seventies and early eighties. Formed in 1975 and influenced by the punk movement, Ultravox were seduced by the possibilities of electronic and synthesized sounds to become true champions of techno-pop ".... As well demonstrated in this song The Voice synthesizers, techno-pop, hard to find and high ..., from their album "Rage In Eden ".... New Wave ....

<a href=""> Ultravox - The Voice by DJ Rigel </a>

DJ Rigel.


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