Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Will My Plumbing Freeze At 25 Degrees

Economy of scale

operating income of a film of 4 million dollars is a trifle for a major but not for a studio / independent distribution (as 17,000 views in 6 months means nothing to but if it is of immense value to this blog, thanks full to all).

Even with an economy of scale that you can afford, and the challenge of breaking the sacrosanct operating windows. 2929

is the producer of the latest experimental Steven Soderbergh, "Bubble," which enters in the distribution of the rooms, DVD and cable simultaneously. Reasons

for not missing:

• The limited impact of the experiments massive SS as "The Limely " or "Full Frontal (otherwise great) make majors not want to make the work of a director with name / well known brand that emphasizes realizing their personal between food jobs. Ergo, a candy for distribution Indies.

• The balance of the costs of marketing that requires the release of the title for each window of exploitation and thus are more profitable. And support and, in turn, draw the attention of festival-goers hunters.

• And the threat of P2P. That is not much for small start to see it as a competitive advantage in overseas distribution .

The small-scale experiment works and starts to lay foundation for beta stages of distribution. The dispersion effect in this case means unlike traditional windows based their role in the concentration of impact by, call, emissions.

The news in Variety . And his translation crummy.


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