Thursday, September 8, 2005

Wind Burn On Baby's Face


The cinematographer and musician, published in Ifilms AT Bullock his piece in homage / report on Katrina: "After the math " .

And it does show a succession of agencies and TV images that are shocking and, at the same time, aesthetically very beautiful.

When one is confronted with, say, the work of Salgado or World Press Photo , make a mental effort to distinguish forms of content. The aesthetic beauty, the impact of the texture, the perfect frame and lens choice make me shudder visual pleasure. When I think of the content of what I'm seeing the same strong emotions are just the opposite.

This clip is an excellent example of what that story.

Content is shocking that gets us to forget that no matter how powerful the ecosystem devastation hit, suffering knows no status.
But if we can not find beauty in images so powerful coupled with great music.

You judge. may


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